Northern Planets Uncensored

Because profanity is the last refuge of the inarticulate motherfucker.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hanging Saddam

The Rude Pundit has a few things to say about the late Saddam Hussein:

Saddam Hussein. Now that's a fuckin' tyrant, an old school motherfucker, bereft of nation, of sons, of rights, defiant and tough, ready to be hanged in the savage wasteland that was once his savage golden empire, even leaving a message of peace to the people of the country he ruled with madness and murder. The world has precious few vicious dictators left with the stones to have such a final act.

How typical of the current American government: they actually make a thug like Saddam Hussein seem more admirable than any of the cowardly, lying chicken-hawks who orchestrated his killing.


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